Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Vacation is OVER!

OK, I have been horrible at posting over the holidays. They are just so hectic, and there is so much to do. Unfortunately, there are also so many memorable, blog worthy post during the holidays. I have made an executive decision and have decided to go back and post things I want to remember. I am sorry if you are sick of the holidays and all of their splendor, but this is my journal, so skip it if you want, or read and grin and bear it! The next few posts are all about what made Christmas, CHRISTMAS for me this year.


Cindi said...

I am anxious to read!

melanie said...

glad you are back.. I have missed reading about your life...

Chels said...

Can't wait to hear. I am just glad you're not dead, I was begining to wonder if I needed to contact the police to go check your place out.

laurak said...

Sounds like me. I'm glad to hear what's been going on.